Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Don't Fall For It #3

They never quit.

Yahoo home page headline,

"Trump may revoke (emphasis added) birthright citizenship for some."

Revoke means, "put an end to the validity or operation of (a decree, decision, or promise): "the men appealed and the sentence was revoked".

So, Trump, the dastardly meanie, fascist, homophobic, misogynist, anti-Semite, Hitler wannabe, is going to invalidate the citizenship of  some or all of those who have gained it by being born of non-citizen parents on US soil.

Except for the part where he intends to do no such thing.

Headline of the story at the link.

"Trump: End birthright citizenship for some US-born babies".

"President Donald Trump is making another hardline (sic) immigration play in the final days before the midterm elections, declaring that he wants to order an end to the constitutional right to citizenship for babies born in the United States to non-citizens."

No revoking of anything, of course. Everyone who has gained citizenship that way keeps it. The policy is forward looking only.

A week or so ago he said that he would propose a middle class tax reduction before the election.

The "press" immediately mocks him by deliberately misunderstanding what he actually said and implying that he is so stupid he doesn't understand that you can't pass a tax cut when Congress is not in session and it would be impossible to do in a few weeks if it was in session. He never said it would be passed before the election.

"When reminded (really?) Congress wasn’t in session, the president said, “We won’t have time to do the vote. We’ll do the vote later…We’ll do the vote after the election.”

Do not believe anything they say, ever. 

A very clever writer, Sara Hoyt, wrote recently,

"...If they tell me it is raining I go outside to check, without an umbrella." (from memory)

Please do not fail to vote next week whatever the state of your local races.