Monday, December 07, 2020

China Virus Order and Comment

 I think I have written before that at the outset of the pandemic I, like most people, was willing to allow those who would ultimately be held responsible for the results of our response to err on the side of caution.

I, after all, was not going to wake up one day to discover that my inattention, indecision or error had caused a catastrophe.

That was then. This is now. Here is the only order, in my opinion, that any of us should be willing to obey given the vast amount of information we now have on the China Virus and its trajectory.

"If you are 60 years or older please stay at home as much as possible for the duration. You are at comparatively high risk of infection, severe symptoms and death. Wear a mask and distance when you must go out.

If you are less than 60 years old but suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and/or respiratory illness please stay at home as much as possible for the duration. You are at comparatively high risk of infection, severe symptoms and death. Wear a mask and distance when you must go out.

While you may be willing to take your chances, that would be unfair to your fellow citizens. Medical resources will be impacted unnecessarily and medical services to others for China Virus infection and all other issues will be adversely affected if those of us at highest risk are careless. Wear a mask and distance when you must go out.

If you do not fall into either of the populations described above, please go about your business, carefully.

Wear a mask indoors in public places and stay as far from others as practical."

I find myself more and more persuaded that the Chinese released the virus intentionally, or, once it spread in China, allowed it out of the country intentionally for the sole purpose of derailing the re-election prospects of the only man in the western hemisphere they fear. 

President Trump is the only leader who has stood up to them and has the nerve to stick to his principles. There was no chance of President Trump being defeated before the Chinese Virus entered the West. None.

They may have succeeded.


Monday, November 02, 2020

We Win, They Lose

Before Ronald Reagan ran for President in 1980 he was visited by a fellow from New Jersey, who's name I have forgotten. The fellow wanted Reagan to endorse his run for Governor of New Jersey.

As the story goes, the visitor asked Reagan about his vision for the Cold War. Reagan's answer, as the story goes, was, "We win, they lose". The visitor dropped his interest in his own run and signed on to Reagan's campaign.

In 1984 Reagan won 49 states running against Walter Mondale.  Think about that for a moment, 49 states.

He also won 58.8% of the popular vote.

36 years later the idea of either major presidential candidate winning 49 states is unthinkable.

What has changed? Has the right become more right-wing? I don't see any evidence of that at all.

We remain the champions of limited government and individual freedom and responsibility. 1st Amendment and 2nd Amendment are, to us, sacred.

Has the left become more left-wing? 

Here is Mondale's 1984 platform.

The answer to my question is a resounding yes.

Free everything for everyone except those of us who pay taxes. Micro management of everything you and I do and what we are allowed to say.

My friends, tomorrow We Win. They Lose. Simple as that.

Be of good cheer and vote!


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

This and That # 14

 "When the service is free you are not the customer, you are the product".

Ed Driscoll as seen on Instapundit.

Think Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo.

Think hard.


How do we know that they know they are going to lose? Easy. 

Joe Biden is in hiding. ",la" (Comma La, is, after all the correct pronunciation we are told) is almost invisible.  

The relentless ridiculous attacks on President Trump that are being published several times a day as the "press" tries desperately to get something to stick.

The latest offering comes from Huffington Post courtesy of Yahoo's front page.

" Intelligence officers in charge of briefing President Donald Trump on threats against the nation are reportedly “terrified” of speaking to him about Russia out of fear of how the president will react."

Wow. That's bad. Evidence for this assertion? ZERO, as usual. Read the article if you have time to waste.


Via Instapundit

If Twitter existed in 1775.


 See the first entry above.

*The insert is behaving oddly. If it disappears the original can be found here.


 I have made this point many times before. I will make it again.

It is the mission of the press to discourage us from voting. Don't let them succeed. It does not matter whether you live in a red or blue state. 

When President Trump wins in November we will be beaten over the head for four more years if the Harris/? (insert name of VP after 2 weeks of her administration) wins the popular vote. Vote.

It is also important to vote, no matter where you live, because as Hugh Hewitt has been saying since at least 2004,

"If it isn't close they can't cheat." 

Be confident my friends. Have faith in the real American people. We will prevail, as always, through hard work and abiding by the rules.