Friday, November 08, 2019

Put The Toaster Away

When I travel alone I stay in inexpensive hotels.

I returned from a trip to Santa Rosa, CA yesterday, the purpose of which was to visit my very elderly mother.

The hotel I stayed at, a motel actually, offered complimentary continental breakfast in their "Breakfast Room".

I ventured over there on Wednesday morning and the fare was as advertised, I did not expect anything more being a veteran of cheap hotels/motels.

There was a toaster on one of the counters but, hunt as I did, I could not find anything to put in it.

I inquired of the English challenged attendant where I might find the bread.

Exasperated she exclaimed while gesticulating elaborately, "No bread, no bagels, all gone!" She then removed the toaster from the counter and put it away in the adjacent kitchen.

It was hilarious in a slapstick sort of way.

Thinking about the incident later it suggested itself as an apt metaphor for the Democrats "Impeachment Inquiry".

If there were any bread or bagels to be found they would long since have found them.

We should do them a favor and put the toaster away by taking back the House.

Monday, October 28, 2019

They Just Cannot Help Themselves, Again

I keep pointing out the ceaseless bias in mainstream media for two reasons.

1) It is so much fun.

2) To remind all of us of the relentless, dishonest, destructive and dangerous campaign to discourage us and caricature President Trump.

The always reliably disingenuous Yahoo! strikes again in the aftermath of President Trump's post mission press conference regarding the killing of the ISIS leader who's name I will not mention.

Here is their headline.

Friday, October 11, 2019

They Just Cannot Help Themselves

This appeared on the Yahoo Home Page at 1:29 PM Pacific today.

"...that the president himself..." The clear intention of the headline, since this story is about our former ambassador to the Ukraine, is that President Trump did something wrong.

The actual story is relatively unremarkable.

An ambassador was removed and replaced because the President, at whose pleasure she served, was annoyed that she as interfering with his direct diplomatic efforts.

The "implication" is actually that he was personally involved in firing someone who worked for him. Oh my. Surely that is a criminal offense! Wait, its not? Well, surely it is an impeachable offense! Wait, it isn't any offense at all? Impossible, why else would it be front and center on Yahoo's Home Page? Because...Trump, of course.

 "The former ambassador says she was fired from her post after insisting that Giuliani's requests to Ukrainian officials for investigations be relayed through official channels, according to a former diplomat who has spoken with her. That former diplomat insisted on anonymity to disclose the private conversation."

Here comes the really good part.

"The diplomat was recalled from Kyiv as Rudy Giuliani — who is Trump's personal attorney and has no official role in the U.S. government — pressed Ukrainian officials to investigate baseless corruption allegations against Democrat Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, who was involved with a gas company there." (Emphasis added)

"Baseless corruption allegations"? As far as I know there has been no investigation and certainly no believable non-corrupt explanation for a Ukranian gas company to pay the former V.P.'s son, who has no known expertise in Natural Gas or the Ukraine, something on the order of $50,000 a month while his father was in charge of Ukranian issues for the Obama administration. The payments continued into early 2019.

Did I mention that young Mr. Biden has no expertise that anyone knows of regarding the gas business or the Ukraine itself?

This is what passes for "news reporting".  Dangerous, destructive, infuriating.

Do not believe a word they say.

I think I mentioned Sarah Hoyt once before as saying that when she reads in the mainstream media that it is raining outside she goes outside to check, without an umbrella.

Do not forget that the mission of the media is to brow beat us into silence and discourage us from voting because everyone knows Trump is Toast.

I am looking forward to their furious lamentations when we beat them again in 2020.

Donate and volunteer if you can.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Trump and the Kurds

As usual, anything Donald Trump does is unprecedented and always, always, BAD!

Happily conservatives have actual memories and understand that history did not begin the glorious day President Trump was elected. 

In case the recent deluge of hysteria that followed his decision to "abandon" the Kurds has you wondering, please don't bother.

Thanks to Instapundit we have some context. 


October 10, 2019

Trump’s Betrayal of the Kurds May Be the Dumbest Move of His Presidency.
Obama Betrays The Kurds.
Bush Betrays The Kurds.
[Bill Clinton’s] US abandoned us, say Kurds.
A People Betrayed: Twice Before, Washington Let Kurds Die to Promote Foreign Policy Designs. Now It’s The [George H.W.] Bush Administration Doing The Deed.

 I have no idea, nor do I much care, whether this policy is good or bad.

The Middle East, as a problem, pales to complete insignificance compared to the existential attack underway on this country by the left. Don't be distracted. Donate and volunteer if you can.

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

To The Good People of...

While jogging in Austin a few days ago my daughter happened upon this sign.

I prefer to think that the people who thought this an appropriate use of their sign are well intentioned and well meaning.

For their benefit, this is what a concentration camp looks like.

This is what the inmates look like after years of living three and four to a bunk as pictured above, on starvation diets.

The good people of Austin's Faith Presbyterian church are quite right. Concentration camps do not make America great.

That is why we do not have any.

What we do have are humane detention centers for tens of thousands of economic migrants trying to game our asylum system and abuse our humanity.

detention 4

Do you see any similarity at all between the children immediately above and those in the preceding photo? I don't either.

The people libeling and defaming this country, including Rep. Henry Cuellar, whose office supplied the picture above are disgraceful liars.

The photo below is troubling, I think we would all agree.

detention 2

Since all of these people apparently know and understand the system, they know where and how they will be held while their phony asylum requests are adjudicated. They come anyway.

We do what we can to house, feed and clothe them because we are a humane and generous country.

If the lamentations of incredibly cynical people like Cuellar were real the wall would long since have been built and the invasion stopped. 

Monday, July 15, 2019

Thanks again Mr. President

I have mentioned before that my 20 something daughter and 30 something 2nd son were the first enthusiastic Trump supporters I encountered in the run-up to the 2016 election.

In a non-political conversation yesterday my daughter asked who my favorite President is. I realized in seconds it is Donald J Trump. Reagan and Lincoln were previously tied for that position. As I have also mentioned I voted for President Trump reluctantly and then became an ardent supporter as I began to understand his tactics and personality.

He lit up the world this morning, again.

"So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly......
....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how.... is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!