Friday, November 08, 2019

Put The Toaster Away

When I travel alone I stay in inexpensive hotels.

I returned from a trip to Santa Rosa, CA yesterday, the purpose of which was to visit my very elderly mother.

The hotel I stayed at, a motel actually, offered complimentary continental breakfast in their "Breakfast Room".

I ventured over there on Wednesday morning and the fare was as advertised, I did not expect anything more being a veteran of cheap hotels/motels.

There was a toaster on one of the counters but, hunt as I did, I could not find anything to put in it.

I inquired of the English challenged attendant where I might find the bread.

Exasperated she exclaimed while gesticulating elaborately, "No bread, no bagels, all gone!" She then removed the toaster from the counter and put it away in the adjacent kitchen.

It was hilarious in a slapstick sort of way.

Thinking about the incident later it suggested itself as an apt metaphor for the Democrats "Impeachment Inquiry".

If there were any bread or bagels to be found they would long since have found them.

We should do them a favor and put the toaster away by taking back the House.