Saturday, February 06, 2021

Now for Something Completely Different

 I read a lot of novels. Many of them are crime fiction that I download free of charge, thank goodness.

There are a lot of bad authors out there. I tip my hat to all of them, even the bad ones, since I have never been able to write a novel, much as I have wanted to.

I bring this up because so many of them, good authors and, in my opinion, bad, make the same mistakes.

How many times have I read the sentence, "Suddenly his phone rang."? In your experience has a phone ever not rung "suddenly"?

Then there is this one that occurs in slightly different forms depending on the context, but far too often,

"At 1:13AM on the night of ...". or,

"Let's meet tomorrow morning at 7AM."

Drives me crazy.

While I am at it, another thing of a similar nature but not related to books. Sayings that mean nothing.

My all time favorite.

"You always find it in the last place you look."

This is true. If it is in the first place you look you stop looking which makes it the last place you look.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Impeachment 2, Why?

Why did they impeach former President Trump for a second time? 

Because the establishment is terrified of him running in 2024. Democrats and establishment Republicans alike.

Why are they terrified of him running again? After all, they beat him handily in 2020 didn't they?

No they did not. He won. They know it. 

They are not at all sure that the stars will again align perfectly to cover their fraud in 2024. It is extremely unlikely another pandemic will show up just in time to save them.

Quite an astonishing coincidence that the China Virus arrived just in time to save the Chinese from the greatest existential threat they have faced in 50 years. Donald J. Trump. 

One year ago President Trump was simply unbeatable.

And then the China Virus hit.

Instead of uniting in support of relief efforts in this country the Democrats and establishment Republicans went into hyper-attack mode, recognizing the life line the Chinese created intentionally or accidentally and in either case lied to the world about for months.

They are terrified.

Be of good cheer my friends. The good guys always win. Sometimes it takes longer than we would like.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Monday, January 11, 2021

The Speech I Would Like President Trump to Give

I would like to hear President Trump give this speech. 

 My Fellow Americans, I am grateful beyond measure for the opportunity you bestowed on me to lead this country out of its post 2008 recession and into the most prosperous and exciting years in our history. 

For those of you I failed to persuade to vote for me in 2020, I apologize. I did not campaign hard enough to win your support. I will do better next time. 

For those of you who did vote for me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

The next two years will be filled with promises not kept by the new administration. 

There will be no "free" college for all. 

There will be no "Universal Free" medical care. 

There will be no "Guaranteed Income". 

Unicorns are in notoriously short supply. Although a surprising number of politicians and Democrat voters still seem to think otherwise. 

There will be turmoil. A lot of it. 

That will end in 2022 when Conservatives retake control of the House and Senate. 

Most of it will originate with disappointed Socialist Democrat voters as they come to understand what those of you who voted for me already understand. There is no free lunch. 

Most Americans are not obsessed with race and gender issues and will not support racism and sexism that insults and excoriates vast numbers of us who harbor absolutely no animosity on the basis of race, gender or religion. 

We believe in "live and let live" and ask only that we be treated in the same way we treat others. God Bless you and God Bless the United States of America.