Here is the first paragraph;
"Donald Trump scrawled racist ideas on the walls of the Oval Office with the recklessness of a kid with a can of spray paint."
Whoa! You guys are impressive writers. That is a beauty.
They go on to excoriate Mr. Trump, reflexively assuming that his remark about preferring Norwegian immigrants was racially motivated. Projection anyone? Mr. Trump, of course was referring to Norwegians likely being better educated than immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa or Haiti and more likely to be productive members of society in the 21st century.
"In this country, the dream has long been to create a place where people will be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin." Really?
The editorial board had apparently been sleeping while Barak Hussein Obama's administration stoked the fires of racialism at every opportunity and college campuses across the country began re-segregating.
Dorms and clubs where whites are not welcome have proliferated all over the country. Ever heard of the Congressional Black Caucus? It is so segregationist that J.C. Watts a black Republican Congressman in the 90's was refused membership. Racial and ideological purity, lovely. Remind you of anything?
The reason for the racialist rhetoric and re-segregation is that after about 50 years of real progress toward achieving Martin Luther King's lofty goal they realized that achieving his goal was exposing them and their white Democrat enablers for the incompetent ingrates they are.
Our President was black, our Attorney General was black, mayors of many major cities were black, police chiefs, judges and city councilmen were too. The bankruptcy of the black inner city culture could no longer be blamed on racist white people.
So they invented their version of White Privilege (I have my own, as you know) and set Baltimore, MD and Ferguson, MO on fire. My version only sets hair on fire.
Do you think the inventors of White Privilege and Cultural Appropriation have any interest in anything but dividing people by color? Character? Obviously white people, by definition, are lacking in character. How else could we possibly be such thoroughgoing racists? We are to be re-educated, not integrated.
I hope I have not been boring you with my White Privilege fixation. The idea, as the left defines it, is so damaging that I think it important to keep pointing out how pernicious and dangerous it is.
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