Do not ever, ever, believe a word of mainstream reporting about President Trump or the state of the Right in American politics.
The goal of every article on either subject is to persuade us that we will lose every election always so why bother being active in politics or voting. They are determined to demoralize us.
They are desperate for us to stand down. Do not believe a word they say. Not Ever.
Follow this link and scroll down a bit for a fabulous clip of highlights from last Saturday's Tulsa event.
Three more thoughts on this subject.
You have read, no doubt, about the less than predicted turn out for that rally. You may not have read that it was viewed by 11.77
million people on three cable networks.
A lot of us have been complaining about the "dirty trick" played on the campaign by lefties reserving tickets with no intention of showing up. We shouldn't be. It was during either the 2008 or 2016 Presidential campaign that Rush Limbaugh urged us to vote in the Dem primaries to prolong their agony. We thought it hilarious. We ought not to be hypocrites. That is what they do.
I am sure you have seen stories about the President, Ivanka and Jared Kushner being furious about the event. The reason is that these people, unlike so many of us in and out of government, strive for success. Failure is met with fury, denunciation and often, replacement. That is how success is built.
Failing upward has become all too common. The Trumps will have none of it. Thank Goodness.
As if we needed more reason to believe that mainstream outlets are just lying sacks of crap, Yahoo's home page is now leading with this headline:
"Biden to Land Endorsement from Key GOP Group"
Really? It seemed an odd construction to me and I wondered what "Key Group" this might be. It is a "Key Group" that does not exist.
"Dozens of Republican former U.S. national security officials are
a group that will back Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden,
people familiar with the effort said, in a further sign that President
Donald Trump has alienated some members of his own party." (Emphasis added)
Do not believe a word, not a word they say. Volunteer, donate and vote!
Who the racists really are.
The district: Georgia's 3rd Congressional district stretches from Columbus to Atlanta and has a sizable Black population. According to
FiveThirtyEight, the district has a 97.3 percent chance of being represented by a Republican."
Oh My Gawd!
So, Republicans can only represent white people. Who Knew. Tim Scott might have a
different take on the matter.
All On The Line is an organization created with the blessing and support of Obama and Eric Holder. Two disgraceful race baiting hustlers without an ounce of integrity between them (I know. I should tell you what I really think.). I have been on their mailing list for some time.
The organization is dedicated to the proposition that
gerrymandering is an anti-democratic racist plague. They are correct. They should know. It has existed in this country since the early 1800's but became an epidemic in the attempt to create black majority congressional districts in the last 50 years.
Things didn't work out for the racists. They discovered gerrymandering worked in both directions, so now they lay it at our feet and pretend to have clean hands.
I have written before about Islam, The Religion of Pieces. That is, after all, how its victims end up.
There was another
murderous stabbing spree by one of its adherents recently. Not news, not surprising.
Unfortunately another part of the story is also not news and not surprising.
"The suspect is also believed to have come to the attention of MI5 last
year, after they suspected he was planning on travelling (sic) to Syria.
However, an investigation revealed no risk or threat and he was not
under surveillance at the time of yesterday's rampage."
Western cultural suicide abets another murder spree.
We should all be prepared to defend ourselves. The "authorities" are no longer willing to do so.