Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Looking For Answers In All The Wrong Places

Rogue cops, white or black or brown or yellow, are not an existential threat to Black Americans. They exist, but in numbers so tiny that while they are a threat to individuals of all colors they simply are not the reason in any part, large or small, that millions of Black Americans live in squalid conditions in big city Black communities. Nor do they contribute in any meaningful way to the carnage that occurs daily in big city Black communities across the America.

White Supremacists are not an existential threat to Black Americans. They also exist, but in numbers so small that while they can represent a threat to individual Black Americans and other Americans of color (and some of us who are considered "white"), they do not contribute in any meaningful way to the carnage that occurs daily in big city Black communities across America.

Racists exist in America, but a combination of laws and social ostracizing has rendered them toothless. They can hate all they want but are powerless to meaningfully affect the lives of  Black Americans or any of the other routinely hated groups of Americans. We have forced them to hate privately and quietly. A very welcome achievement.

The existential threat to Black Americans is actually Black Americans and the politicians for whom they vote.

Baltimore, Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit, Washington, D.C. are all run by Democrats and have been for decades. Black Americans vote, almost exclusively, for Democrats.

With the exception of Minneapolis, all have had Black run administrations, on and off, for years. What do the millions of Black Americans have to show for their fealty to Democrats and their own racist voting patterns? Addiction, black on black crime and murder by the 10's of thousands, cultural collapse and poverty.

What we are seeing in the streets is a massive attempt at legerdemain, gaslighting and yet another attempt to blame the problems on anyone and anything other than those responsible, themselves. An all too human failing.

I proposed a plan to rescue the Black community in 2015 .

That it was not acted upon is not surprising considering that I have not earned much of an audience for my policy prescriptions. Perhaps my suggestion was simply no good. Always a possibility. It is instructive to read though, considering we are, once again, being victimized by the same "victims" we were five years ago and for the same "reasons".

As I wrote in  another 2015 post,

" Ugly, racialist movements like "Black Lives Matter" only serve to make those of us who believed in the fight for equality cringe and stand down. Apparently nothing is enough so why bother."

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