Thursday, July 02, 2020

Making Sense

I think I have mentioned Kurt Schlichter before. He is, in my opinion, an outstanding writer and thinker.

He is also completely irreverent and has a knack for nicknames. Can you guess who Felonia Milhouse McPantsuit might be?

His latest column is titled "Stop Making Sense". I encourage you to read the whole thing. It makes a great deal of sense and provides some practical information.

His theory is that there is no point in trying to discuss things with the social justice warriors and assorted thugs wreaking havoc on our cities. We "normal Americans" (as he refers to us) are all about things making sense. For them though, making sense is not relevant.

"It's not about making sense. It never was. It's about making you kneel."

I have referred to this phenomenon before, although in another context.

It is not enough for us to have a live and let live attitude with respect to gay and trans people. They insist that unless we celebrate their lifestyle choices we are awful human beings. They insist that we kneel before their preferred alter. We must participate in their fantasies.

Until recently not being a racist was a good thing. Now that our non-racism has been proven over and over again it is not enough. Now we must kneel at the new alter of "anti-racism".

""Anti-racism can be defined as some form of focused and sustained action, which includes inter-cultural, inter-faith, multi-lingual and inter-abled (i.e. differently abled) communities with the intent to change a system or an institutional policy, practice, or procedure which has racist effects."[1] (Emphasis added)

So, just being a non-racist is no longer sufficient to get them to leave you alone. If you don't join them in "focused and sustained action" you are found wanting and will be made to kneel.

He includes a sentiment I have expressed many times but not as well as he does.

"Don't allow yourself to be demoralized. Victory is at hand. The media's polls are meant to crush your spirit, but ask yourself – do you know a single person who voted for Trump in 2016 but is now thinking, "Gosh, we need Grandpa Badfinger – he'll get the economy moving again even though he helped preside over nearly a decade of ennui?" Or have you had people who whisper to you, because they fear cancellation, "This time I'm voting for Trump?" I know zero of the former and a number of the latter. How about you?"

Don't let them get you down!

ps I am having to use a new format for these posts. For some reason a few lines of this post show up in a different font than the rest. I don't know why.

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