Thursday, August 06, 2020

Gaslighting, Systemic Racism Edition

"Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes including low self-esteem."

As we all "know" the United States of America is infected by "systemic racism". This is a monstrous, demonstrable lie in the service of a failed narrative.

What is systemic racism?

According to Wikipedia,

"Institutional racism (also known as systemic racism) is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organisation. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among other issues." (Emphasis added)

Due to the wave of violence engulfing American cities inspired by our putative racist sins I decided to use two metrics to test the validity of the systemic racism charge. One measures political power the other police power.

How many Black mayors are there in the USA? 130. Must be mayors of little, mostly Black enclaves right? After all, Systemic Racism!

There are some of those, Hillsborough, AL for example. Population 550.

And then there are these;

Atlanta GA, Baltimore MD, Baton Rouge LA, Birmingham AL, Buffalo NY, Chicago IL, Dallas TX, Denver CO, Houston TX, Kansas City MO, Jackson MS, Little Rock AR, Montgomery AL, Newark NJ, New Orleans LA, Richmond VA, Rochester NY, San Francisco CA, and Washington DC.

"In the last quarter of the 20th century and the first two decades of the 21st, African Americans increasingly became involved in all levels of local government. During the 1970s cities like Tallahassee, Cincinnati, Detroit, Los Angeles, Washington DC and New Orleans elected their first black mayors. By the beginning of the 21st century, following the arrivals of African American mayors in cities like Memphis, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York City, Seattle, Denver, St Louis, Rochester, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas, San Francisco and Houston, the elections of black Americans ceased to be newsworthy." (Emphasis added)

Systemic racism at work. Right.

It is the complete failure of these elected Black officials to change the life trajectory of inner city Blacks after 50 years of their dominance that led to the need for cover.

Voila! White privilege. Systemic racism. Black Lives Matter. Rampant violence and destruction. All in the cause of diverting attention from the abject and complete failure of Black mayors of major cities(all of whom are Democrats) to prove the left's thesis that if only they were in charge Black lives would be improved.

Known positive impact on their Black communities? ZERO.

Abject and complete failure of the narrative.

An adjunct of "if Blacks are in charge Black people's lives and prospects would improve" was the notion that if there were more Black cops and fewer racist white ones Black people's lives and prospects would improve.

Useful data is hard to come by for this metric. About 12% of the nation's cops are Black. That is about the same proportion that Blacks make up of the nation's population. Given the current addiction to ensuring that Blacks have proportionate representation in all things everywhere, except the NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL (just kidding), Rap Music, Hip Hop Music, Black Churches and the governing bodies of any Black majority county, city or town, that ought to be Ok. Black people make up about 14% of our nation's population. Apparently it is not.

There does not appear to be any list of Black Chiefs of Police in the USA.

I do know that the police chiefs of  Baltimore MD, Chicago IL, Dallas TX, Detroit MI, Oakland CA, Portland OR, Phoenix AZ, Richmond VA, and San Francisco CA are Black. No doubt there are others. I got tired of looking.

Known positive impact on their Black communities. ZERO.

Abject and complete failure of the narrative.

The most powerful, most generous, most productive country in the history of mankind is being tortured in an effort to cover up a failed narrative. The Wizard of OZ is applauding.

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